Gaza: A Ceasefire and Hope for Liberation in Qatar’s Embrace

Genjatan Senjata

This Friday will witness a four-day ceasefire between Israel and Palestine in Gaza. The agreement, facilitated by Qatar with the support of Egypt and the United States (US), was announced but faced a last-minute delay.

According to Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Majed Al Ansari, the ceasefire will commence at 7 am local time, followed by a redemption exchange. A drone will surveil the sky to ensure safety throughout the liberation process.

Initially, 13 individuals, including women and children from the same family, will be liberated around 4 pm. Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails will also be released on the same day. However, details about the number of prisoners to be released were not disclosed.

The conflict between Israel and Palestine has persisted since October 7, with this agreement allowing for the liberation of at least 50 Palestinian prisoners and dozens of redemptions. During these four days, information will be gathered to consider further releases.

Commenting on the ceasefire, Ansari emphasized the necessity for a “complete ceasefire” without attacks from the air or ground. He hoped there would be no violations throughout this period.

The agreement is expected to be gradually expanded and extended, providing assistance to Gaza’s 2.4 million residents. The armed wing of Hamas, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, confirmed the ceasefire by halting all military actions.

Negotiations behind this agreement are seen as a positive step toward alleviating the suffering of the Palestinian people. The liberation of Palestinian women and children prisoners is anticipated to mark the beginning of this transformation.

Although this agreement halts the battles, the true challenges will arise in its implementation. The hope for achieving peace and stability in this region takes center stage in the days to come.